Saturday, 2 September 2017

Medieval BJD doll diorama. Getting there.

Well, my insufferable medieval diorama is almost there, though still need to fill it in with furniture and props. Obviously, I had to do a trial run with a couple of my BJDs from the Souldoll (Fairy story Paw (52 cm tall and Yeon Bee (42cm tall).

The base for the diorama walls is foam board, I have glued every single cardboard "stone" on the walls for texture. The fireplace is made from layers and layers of card board. The fireplace "insert" actually are gravel from my yard.

The diorama is "mobile" and walls can be swapped.

Patterns for the windows were harvested from my gothic/medieval chair tutorial (just used the back part of the chair).




The spinning wheel was a complete bargain from the eBay (originally was a room thermometer!)

The brass miniatures were bought for £1 from a car boot.
