Sunday, 25 June 2017

Animated BJD doll faces made easy

These days technology is getting fancy.  I still remember the Polaroid camera and the pure joy of getting a picture there and then. Now I hardly even print pictures and entrust my memories to digital photo albums. 

But, hey, what am I am on about? Ah, yes, how to make your ball jointed doll smile?Well, it is extremely easy! (thanks to the technological advances). Literally press of a button.

Please note, that I do not advertise any services, I am not paid to do so (my hourly rate is on expensive side :D


A wink for you!


And here is the link to have fun with your doll's pictures:

Sunday, 18 June 2017

How to make medieval Gothic chair or throne for MSD BJD doll

I was mulling over the idea of medieval/gothic furniture for my BJD dolls. I like the style but could not find anything to my taste to buy, thus I have decided to make it with a 5mm foam board.

I have never worked with the wood before (apart from Balsa wood), but I have made miniature furniture with the foam board in the past and rather successfully. The reason why I could not use the Balsa wood for this project is that I could not find the right width and length to fit the extended back for the medieval chair.

Anyways, the original template was taken from a human version of the chair and here is a link to it:

And my adjusted/adapted to BJD template can be seen below. Please note it is not to scale and you have to build the pattern yourself using the measurements I gave on the picture or you can resize on the PC the original template and make the necessary adjustments.

My template is for 40-45cm tall BJD doll (MSD, 1/4 scale)

YouTube tutorial is available here: