Monday, 11 October 2010

Work in process...and complete

Just wanted to share my 'bulk' produce :))

Halloween Pumpkins: 
Pumpkins are nearly all sold as an earrings. Also i have painted 'BOO' on the hats, though, it was after i made a picture and sold them. 

Oops! My witchy cat. How she has got here?

Sandwich Biscuits earrings with whipped cream inside:

And some more earrings:

I do not know what to do with this lot. lol

 And my latest creation at the moment for sale on Ebay:

Necklace ouija board made from air dry clay and distressed with acrylic pain, then varnished.
Necklace is double-sided.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Halloween specials

I do not know why I have never published the following pictures anywhere before. Probably, I was embarrassed by the way I took them. They are somewhat flirty.

This is my 'Witch cabin' with witch (obviously) inside. I made her a partner. hahahaha. 

If you have seen Harry Potter then you will be able to notice slight similarity to S. Snape. I had great fun making him, sitting with few of his pictures and trying to match face features with polymer clay. I failed his famous frock indefinitely, and made his trousers too short and that’s look comical, believe me

The pictures quality wise are not that good. They were made with my old camera in the dark room inside of 300 years old house. Spooooooky :)) No ghosts in the house actually, all checked.

 Oui! Do not get too close!

And witch on her own:

And her cabin (sorry for quiality again, it was sooo dark):

I have made furniture for the cabin using various fallen wood sticks from the garden. It was not an easy task as I had to mix and match the same time and PVA was drying really slow. It took me about a week to complete table, chair, bed and the shelf. No treatment was given to the wood and it’s still fine. 

Fireplace is another story... It made of real stones. I spent loooong weeks gluing stones together with hot glue gun, adjusting them and gluing again. The cabin weight is now about 2 kg more.

Book stand was made similar way to the fireplace. Book has real pages and leather cover. I used to love making miniature books. I sold my handmade collection of medieval and "evil" books and for some reason lost an interest. May be one day...

Anyway, anything else you want to know about this cabin, please ask. I will try my best to describe it.

Hope you enjoy! :)